How To Overcome The Fear of failure

How do you overcome the fear of failure?

The way to overcome the fear of failure is to look at the reason why you feel embarrassed anytime you fail at a task.

You feel embarrassed and ashamed because your pride and ego are involved when you fail.

So you feel hurt because you feel you should succeed. You feel let down … Right.

The good news is there being an antidote to the fear of failure: humility

You see being humble allows you to accept the fact that when you start anything new you are likely to do it poorly.

Pride prevents us from admitting we are incompetent. The truth is we all are incompetent when we start learning.

Humility is nature’s way of letting go of pride and ego.

You see goal setting is a skill you have to master.

The best way to master a skill is to practice it slowly until you become masterful.

When you are humble, you don’t let your ego get in the way of learning.

So, if you allow pride to get in the way of learning how to set goals …you’ll feel hurt every time you set goals and fail.

The next thing you want to do to overcome the fear of  failing when you set goals  is to accelerate failure.

I learned  this principle from one of my mentors Michael Masterson.

The principle of accelerated failure is this:

To develop any complex skill, you must be willing to make mistakes and endure failures.

The faster you can make mistakes and learn from your failures, the quicker you can master the skill.

How does the principle  of accelerated failure apply to goal setting?

You see when you are starting out to learn to set goals you’ll fail. The only way you can master goal setting is to be willing to make mistakes, learn from your mistakes and move on.

The quicker you can make these mistakes and learn from them, the faster you’ll become a master goal setter

The bottom line for overcoming fear of failure in goal setting is : You must be humble to accept that when you start setting goals you’ll fail.

You must be willing to make mistakes and endure failure until you become masterful at goals setting

When you know that making mistakes does not mean  failure unless you give up-you’ll start the journey to-being the master of your fate

In summing up… I want you to take counsel with the words of the greatest -failure- turned-successful person-Winston Churchill:

“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm”

You’ll never get any better meaning of success than Winston Churchill’s  words.