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The Secret To Getting Higher Returns Investing

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
-Jim Rohn

The secret to building wealth in a shorter time frame lies in gaining higher returns on your investments. However, achieving higher investment returns requires knowledge. There is a direct relationship between your financial education and your ability to accumulate wealth.

The Link Between Financial Knowledge and Investment Success

According to a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, researchers concluded that individuals with higher financial literacy are more likely to make sound financial decisions and earn more from their investments.

Conversely, the study found that those with little financial knowledge tend to make costly investment mistakes and fail to develop effective financial plans for wealth accumulation. These findings may explain why many individuals end up struggling financially after decades of hard work.

You Can Change Your Financial Future

The good news is that you don’t have to be part of the statistic. By learning and practicing how to invest wisely, you can position yourself among the financially secure 1% who never have to worry about money.

All business and investment skills can be learned. The key is to train your mind to think like a successful investor.

The Three Elements of Wealth Accumulation

To accumulate significant wealth and higher investment returns, you need to focus on three key elements:

  1. Return on Investment (ROI): Your ability to grow your money depends on achieving high returns. Earning more than 30% ROI significantly increases your chances of wealth accumulation.

  2. Capital to Invest: The amount of money you start with matters. A $100,000 investment has a greater potential for growth than starting with $10,000.

  3. Investment Duration: The longer you keep your money invested, the more compound interest works in your favor.

The first two elements are entirely within your control. The key to maximizing returns is to invest in high-yield assets.

The Importance of Financial Education

The only way to identify high-return assets is by knowing where to look. Without financial education, your chances of making profitable investment decisions are slim.

Unfortunately, many people rely on family members for financial advice, which often leads to poor investment choices. Rather than seeking advice from unqualified relatives, take the time to educate yourself about investing.

Why You Should Be Cautious with Financial Advisers

Another common mistake is relying entirely on financial advisers to make investment decisions. While professional advice can be helpful, blind trust in financial advisers can be risky.

Consider the infamous cases of Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford. Both were legitimate financial professionals operating within regulated industries, yet their fraudulent schemes led to massive financial losses for investors.

This is not to say you should never seek advice from financial professionals, but you must conduct your own research and practice due diligence.

The Limitations of Stock Market Investments

Many financial advisers recommend buying and holding stocks to take advantage of compound interest and get higher investment returns. However, stock market investments come with uncertainties:

  • The market’s performance is unpredictable.

  • As an ordinary shareholder, you have little control over company decisions.

  • Your financial success depends on the company’s management making the right moves.

Successful stock market investors, such as Warren Buffett, earn high returns by acquiring controlling stakes in undervalued companies, allowing them to influence business decisions.

Diversify Beyond Stocks for Higher Returns

You don’t need to be a billionaire like Warren Buffett to earn high investment returns. The key is to think beyond the stock market.

Investing is not limited to stocks and shares. Wealthy investors diversify their portfolios to include various asset classes, each with its historical average rate of return. Some options that can lead to higher investment returns include:

  • Real Estate: Property investments generate rental income and appreciate over time.

  • Stocks: Select stocks with growth potential, but balance them with other investments.

  • Business Ventures: Starting or investing in businesses can yield substantial profits.

  • Intellectual Property: Creating or investing in patents, trademarks, and copyrights can generate passive income.

Conclusion: Knowledge is the Key to Higher Returns

The most important step in achieving higher returns is self-education. By continuously improving your financial knowledge and applying strategic investment principles, you can maximize your returns and build lasting wealth. Invest in yourself first, and the financial rewards will follow.