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Think and Grow Rich: The Secret of Achieving Financial Freedom

Several years ago I made a decision that within 2 years of living in any part of the western world I would own my own house. At the time I made the decision I lived in my native country, had just finished college and had no money in my bank account.


I had no idea how I was going to achieve my goals. I earned about $12000 per annually, lived in a 200 square foot room and shared a communal bathroom and kitchen.

One day as I woke up to walk into the communal shower a thought flash through my mind. I thought to myself why not act on my dreams.

So I wrote down my plans and took action daily my goals until I eventually traveled abroad

I accomplished my goal of owning a home in less 3 years of setting it. I had bought my first house a 3-bedroom semi detached house in the English Home Counties. And I still own that house and many others till today.


How was it possible that within a short period I could move up the economic ladder towards financial freedom ?


The simple answer: I had a dream and had faith to act on my dreams.


I had faith that I could accomplish my dreams and I did.


Faith is a positive emotion you must have in order to transform your financial freedom dream into tangible wealth


Do you have faith that you will be financially independent?

Do you have a dream to be financially free but you fail every time you try?

Then this article is for you because the missing key to your success may be faith


And you are going to learn more about this important step towards riches today


What is faith?


Many authors and books have tried to give us a meaning to faith. In the bible faith is defined as the “ substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 12:1


Napoleon Hill says faith is what energizes you to pursue a goal until you accomplish it.


To understand how faith works to transmute your desire for wealth into riches-let me explain it with a metaphor-of building a house


Lets say, for example, you want to build your own custom home. The first step you will take will be draw a plan of your proposed building.

You then apply for planning permission, get financing and build the house


The steps you took were possible because you had a dream to build your own house and you took action to transmute your idea into a tangible house


In order to accomplish your dream you had to pursue it till the end with positive energy.


You see the positive emotion that made you take action to build your own house is faith.

It is faith that separates dreamers from doers when it comes to creating wealth.


Why? Because if you ask most people whether they want have financially freedom, they will answer yes


However when you look at the percentage of adults who actually fulfill their dream of becoming wealthy- you will find that less than 5 percent of them accomplish their goals.

The remaining 95 percent will windup broke or barely survive financially


Why do 95 percent of adults fail financially and only about 5 percent become financially free?

This happens because majority of adults do not have the faith to back up their dreams with action.

The good news is that you can become of financially free. All you need is to have faith in yourself that you will succeed.

Because once you have faith in yourself –you will think and grow richly